Luenberger-like Observers for a Class of Nonlinear Systems
Tipo de evento: Seminário LNCC
This seminar focuses on the design of nonlinear state observers for a class of nonlinear systems with rational dependence on the state variables. Based on the linear Luenberger's observer, a methodology is proposed for designing a nonlinear observer gain such that an upper-bound on the L2-gain of the operator from the disturbance signal to the estimation error is minimized. The observer gain design is given in terms of a convex optimization problem with Linear Matrix Inequalities constraints.
Data Início: 31/01/2006 Hora: 11:00 Data Fim: Hora: 13:00
Local: LNCC - Laboratório Nacional de Computação Ciêntifica - Sala de Reuniões da CSC - 1A56
Comitê Organizador: Daniel F. Coutinho - Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica da PUC-RS - PUC-RS -
Apoio Financeiro: PRONEX-Controle de Sistemas Dinâmicos